Sunday 29 January 2012

Unis and Youngster can provide players for Canterbury to play with big boys

If there is one thing definitely lacking to Kent Rugby to put them on the English rugby map it is a Premiership or even a Championship Club.

Blackheath, the best club in Kent, play in the National League 1, just one league below the Championship while Westcombe Park are struggling in National League 2 South and Canterbury, Tonbridge and Gravesend play in National League 3 London and South East.

Despite the evident financial investment needed for one of this clubs to reach the professional leagues, the other main challenge these clubs face is the geographical position.

Regarding this problem, Canterbury is definitely suffering the most. Situated a good two hours away from London city centre, it makes it very hard for the club to attract players working in the capital.

However, after being relegated last year, they haven’t lost a single game this season and are firm favourites to get promoted to National League 2 South.

But this promotion would mean the need to sign some players in order to be able to compete and head coach Andy Pratt is aware of the challenge he faces.

He said: “It’s sure that it’s easier for players to join London-based clubs where there is another one down the road if they need too. This is not the case here.

“But I’m not worried. We have to good Universities and a good player development system that can provide us with players able to perform in National League 2.”

To listen to Andy Pratt’s view on the rest of the season’s target as well as their strategy to sign players compare to London-based clubs below, click here

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